In this thought-provoking article, psychologist, Dr. Miriam Biber, explores the unique spiritual power of lighting the Shabbat candles through personal anecdotes and biblical, Talmudic and Chassidic sources. Described as a prototype for all of
This short poem, written by two women – a Jewish rabbi and Muslim sheikha – calls on readers to light a candle in their homes and houses of worship on Friday, the day
This article contains clear and detailed answers, according to an Orthodox Jewish perspective, to a number of frequently asked questions about lighting Shabbat candles on Friday night, including who, when,
The following article, How to Light Shabbat Candles, by Rabbi Michael Strassfeld, Richard Siegel and Sharon Strassfeld, discusses both the how to’s of the Shabbat candle lighting ceremony and the
This video, by Rabbi Janet Ross Marder, describes how to light the Shabbat evening candles, with a focus on bringing light and peace to your home and family. Rabbi Marder
This video describes how to light the Friday evening Shabbat candles according to the Orthodox Ashkenazi tradition. In addition to the recitation of the blessing, this video provides explanations of the meaning
These poetic quotes from Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel describe the moment when Shabbat arrives, bringing with it an atmosphere of light, peace, rest, joy, and renewal. Heschel points to the creative and
In this video, Alexander Goldscheider, a Jewish Czech-born composer, performs a unique musical rendition of the blessing over the Shabbat candles. Golscheider’s uses lyrical repetition and rising notes throughout the melody
The following excerpt from the article “Truth Stands the Test of Time” explains how the Shabbat candles are symbolic of the truth and authenticity of the Torah and the Jewish
In this short, informative video, Rabbi Michael Laitner offers both historical and spiritual explanations for the Shabbat evening candle lighting and provides guidelines on how to fulfill the commandment. This video