Israel Goldfarb
Shalom Aleichem in ASL
This video, presented by interpreter David Bar Tzur, demonstrates how to sign Shalom Aleichem in American Sign Language, which is especially helpful for those who are deaf or hard of hearing
Sephardic/Mizrahi Custom: Shalom Aleichem
This video demonstrates the Sephardic/Mizrahi tradition for Shalom Aleichem, which has five stanzas, instead of four, as is the common Ashkenazi custom. The additional verse, “B’shiv-t’chem L’shalom,” translated as “May your rest
Idan Yaniv & Kinderlach: Upbeat Shalom Aleichem for Unity in Israeli Society
This music video presents a joyous, upbeat version of Shalom Aleichem, performed by Idan Yaniv, a popular Israeli, Bukharian singer, and Kinderlach, an Israeli children’s singing troupe. Although this modernization of the popular