Israeli-Arab Wars
Jenin: Massacring Truth
This is an excerpt (09:50) from a documentary produced by Martin Himel, which tells the story of Israeli soldiers who fought in the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank
The Case of Muhammad al-Durrah
This video presents one perspective on the Muhammad al-Durrah incident, where a 12-year old Palestinian boy was allegedly killed by Israeli soldiers during a riot in the Gaza Strip on
Miri Aloni & the IDF Nachal Band: A Song for Peace
Written by Yaakov Rotblit and composed by Yair Rosenblum, this controversial song was first performed by the IDF Nachal Infantry Ensemble in 1969, during the War of Attrition between Israel
Subliminal: Biladi (My Country)
Released in 2002, during the Second Intifada, this song by Israeli rapper Ya’akov “Kobi” Shimoni (known by his stage name Subliminal) reveals a frustration with the cycle of violence and
The Causes & Early Stages of the Second Intifada
Written by Ziv Hellman, a founding member of Peace Watch, the watchdog group reporting on the implementation of the Oslo Agreements, this concise article examines the early stages of the
Background & Causes of the Second Intifada
Written by Jeremy Pressman, Director of Middle East Studies at the University of Connecticut, this lengthy article from The Journal of Conflict Studies outlines the background and causes that led to
The Palestinian Authority’s Responsibility for the Outbreak of the Second Intifada
Written by Lt. Col. (ret.) Jonathan D. Halevi, a senior researcher of the Middle East and radical Islam at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, this thorough article aims to debunk the myth
A Timeline of the Six Day War
Created by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, a pro-Israel media-monitoring and research organization, this useful post presents a concise timeline of the major historical events leading up to, during
Arab Political Six Day War Cartoons
This post presents ten political cartoons published before and during the Six Day War. Contributing to fear in Israeli society and the confidence in Arab society, the images all depict
Six Day War Maps
This post presents three important maps for understanding the impact of the Six Day War: Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs maps of Israel’s borders before and after the Six Day