medical care
How and why to attract doctors to Israel’s periphery
This academic article from the Israel Journal of Health Policy Research outlines the importance of bringing more primary healthcare physicians to Israel’s peripheral regions. As compared to the communities in
Inadequate healthcare and general inequity in the periphery
Residents of Israel’s periphery have poorer access to public resources—including education, transportation, and healthcare—than residents of its central regions. As a result of inadequate medical care, these citizens experience lower
The health of the Arab Israeli population
Data from the Central Bureau of Statistics’ (CBS) Social Survey indicates a significant health gap between Israel’s Jewish and Arab populations. A study from the Taub Center for Social Policy
Even in the same city, Arab infant mortality rates far higher than among Jews
A recent Health Ministry report finds wide gaps between Jewish and Arab citizens’ health outcomes, according to this article from the Times of Israel. With life expectancy lower and infant
Live long and prosper: health in the Haredi community
The Israeli Haredi community has researchers scratching their heads: How is it that a group of such low socio-economic standing experiences better health and greater longevity than its more prosperous
A critical look at Israel’s problematic healthcare system
This Times of Israel blog post by Professor Naomi Chazan explores the less-than-glamorous side of Israeli healthcare—inequitable accessibility, inadequate resources, low doctor-patient ratios, and widespread underfunding. “Nothing exemplifies Israel’s crisis of