With What Shall I Bless Him?
Written by Rachel Shapira in memory of her classmate Eldad Krock, a young reservist killed in the in the Six Day War, this this sad song is about an angel blessing
Identity Card: Mahmoud Darwish Poem & Song of the First Intifada
Originally written as a poem by iconic Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish in 1964, this song recalls the humiliation and frustration of Palestinians living under Israeli occupation, warning that it will eventually lead
Haim Hefer: Yes, It’s Possible
This song was originally written as a poem by iconic Israeli poet, Haim Hefer, who served in the Palmach during the War of Independence, during the first truce of the
Natan Alterman: Elifelet
Performed here by the IDF for Memorial Day, this song, written as a poem by Natan Alterman in 1959 and put to music by Sasha Argov, tells the story of
Natan Alterman / Yehoram Gaon: The Silver Platter
This haunting song conveys the great sacrifices upon which the State of Israel was establishment. Soon after the release of the UN Partition Plan of 1947, Chaim Weizmann, who would
“Blessed is the Match”: A Poem by Hannah Senesh
The following poem, “Blessed is the Match” by Hannah Senesh, describes the human soul as analogous to a match that is desperate to spread its light to other flames. Although not
Zelda: To Light Candles in All the Worlds
In this poem, the modern Hebrew poet, Zelda, describes the meaning of Shabbat candles. Her understanding of the Shabbat candles as a reminder of the redemptive power of light reflects