In this home video, the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) Rabbinical Choir, led by Chief Cantor Shai Abramson, sings a harmonic accapella arrangement of a portion of Eishet Chayil. They sang this song
This video presents an emotive rendition of the first two and last two verses of Eishet Chayil performed by the well-known Jewish musical entertainer, Yaakov Shwekey, including on screen Hebrew, English and
This 94 page book, “More Precious Than Pearls: A Prayer for the Women of Valor in Our Lives,” is a collection of ten essays discussing Eishet Chayil from a wide variety of
In this post, Tamara Cohen, a Jewish feminist writer, activist and educator, shares personal memories of how her mother, a hard-working professional woman and feminist, was gratified to have Eishet Chayil sung
This essay discusses some theories as to which biblical woman the poem, Eishet Chayil, could be referring. The author, Asher Gabbay, suggests that since the only woman in the Bible specifically
In this article, a modern woman who lives by Jewish tradition explains why she feels that Eishet Chayil is very relevant for her and her family. In response to another
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