Sephardic Custom
Fortuna Performs “Bendigamos” Sephardic Grace After Meals Hymn
This video clip presents Brazilian singer, songwriter and actress, Fortuna, performing “Bendigamos Al Altísimo,” a Spanish hymn traditionally sung after meals by Jews of Spanish, Portuguese and Turkish descent. Fortuna, a Sephardic
Mizrahi Grace After Meals (Hebrew Audio & Text)
This post presents the Hebrew text and an audio recording of the full weekday Grace After Meals, according to the custom and pronunciation of Edot HaMizrach practiced by many Sephardic and
Sephardic/Mizrahi Custom: Shalom Aleichem
This video demonstrates the Sephardic/Mizrahi tradition for Shalom Aleichem, which has five stanzas, instead of four, as is the common Ashkenazi custom. The additional verse, “B’shiv-t’chem L’shalom,” translated as “May your rest