This less than 5 minute long animated video introduces the basic Shabbat rituals performed on Friday night, including the candle lighting ceremony, the Kiddush over wine, the ritual hand washing, and the
This video demonstrates how to sign the ritual hand-washing blessing in American Sign Language, which is especially helpful for those who are deaf or hard of hearing and those seeking to
This video demonstrates how to sign the blessing over the bread in American Sign Language, which is especially helpful for those who are deaf or hard of hearing and those seeking
This ceremony, meant to be performed before the blessing over the bread, encourages people to contemplate the source of their food, the process it went through to get onto the
In this sweet, amusing video, Grover learns about Shabbat on “Shalom Sesame,” the Israeli version of the popular children’s television series, “Sesame Street.” Grover helps his friend prepare for Shabbat
This short article serves as an introduction to the basics of the candle lighting ceremony, including who lights candles, with what type of candles, when, and how, plus a mention of
This is a short poem written to guide a group meditation at the time of welcoming Shabbat, either before or after candle lighting. It encourages group members to focus on
In this halachic discourse, Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir of the Orthodox Union, discusses the obligations and customs Jews practice before reciting the Grace After Meals, including washing hands, leaving the
This video clip presents Brazilian singer, songwriter and actress, Fortuna, performing “Bendigamos Al Altísimo,” a Spanish hymn traditionally sung after meals by Jews of Spanish, Portuguese and Turkish descent. Fortuna, a Sephardic